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Creating Plugins

Brain Framework provides two approaches to plugin development: a simplified utility method and the standard plugin structure.

Plugin Integration

To use your plugin, integrate it with the agent builder:

const agent = new AgentBuilder()
// ... other configurations

Quick Plugin Creation

Brain Framework’s createSimplePlugin utility lets you create plugins with minimal boilerplate:

import { createSimplePlugin } from "@iqai/agent";
const yourPlugin = createSimplePlugin({
name: "your-plugin",
description: "Your plugin description",
actions: [
name: "action-name",
description: "Action description",
handler: async (opts) => {
try {
// Your action logic here
text: "Action response"
return true;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error in action handler:', error);
text: "❌ Action error"
return false;

Example: Time Plugin

Here’s a practical example using the simplified approach:

const timePlugin = createSimplePlugin({
name: "time-plugin",
description: "Provides current time and timezone information",
actions: [
name: "TELL_TIME",
description: "Returns the current time in different formats",
handler: async (opts) => {
const now = new Date();
const localTime = now.toLocaleTimeString();
const utcTime = now.toUTCString();
text: `πŸ•’ Current time:\nLocal: ${localTime}\nUTC: ${utcTime}`
return true;

Full Plugin Structure

When your plugin needs advanced features like:

  • Custom service implementations
  • Data providers
  • Complex state management
  • Custom evaluators
  • Multiple interconnected actions

You can leverage the full plugin structure:

Directory Structure

Terminal window
__tests__/ # Test files
actions/ # Action definitions
services/ # Services for business logic
lib/ # Utility functions
index.ts # Main plugin export
types.ts # Type definitions # Plugin documentation


Main plugin file (index.ts):

export async function createYourPlugin(opts: YourPluginParams): Promise<Plugin> {
const actions = [
return {
name: "Your Plugin",
description: "Description of your plugin",
providers: [],
evaluators: [],
services: [],
export default createYourPlugin;

Action definition:

export const getYourAction = (opts: YourPluginParams): Action => {
return {
description: "What your action does",
similes: [
validate: async () => true,
handler: handler(opts),
examples: [
user: "user",
content: { text: "EXAMPLE_COMMAND" },

Best Practices

  • Use kebab-case for plugin names (e.g., plugin-your-feature)
  • Use Upper kebab-case for action names (e.g., YOUR_ACTION_NAME)
  • Implement proper error handling using try-catch blocks
  • Include comprehensive documentation
  • Add meaningful tests under __tests__ directory
  • Use descriptive names for actions and functions
  • Keep services separate from actions
  • Include examples for each action

For detailed information about plugin development, including advanced features and examples, visit Plugin Development Guide